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D2 lostcoast.jpg
General Map Info
Game Half-Life 2
Chapter Lost Coast
Fastest time New Engine

3.540s by Crapo
Old Engine
15.155s by raintnt

Map navigation

Half-Life 2: Lost Coast is a technology demo showing off the Source Engine's HDR rendering capabilities. The town of St. Olga, where the game is set, was originally slated to take place between the levels Highway 17 and Sandtraps, but was dropped. Lost Coast was released on October 27, 2005 as a free download to all owners of Half-Life 2. Half-Life 2: Lost Coast was the only game to not get updated to use OrangeBox Engine until Steampipe.


New Engine exclusive

After you get up, quickly approach the two rocks on the left and do a Damage Boost using RPG and jump immediately to get more speed with ABH, then you need to get an additional Stucklaunch over an empty crab pot to hit the slope at high speed and fly up to the metal cart. There is a trigger just above the cart that you need to hit, then the game will think it's finished, and will trigger the ending sequence as soon as you're back down at the Fisherman.
To hit the trigger faster you can either bump into the cart, move it out of the way with the Gravity Gun or use Crouch Triggering.

Old Engine exclusive

You need to destroy a wooden boat and use its gibs for Flying to the cart.

Damage Boost

Do a Damage Boost over the gate using RPG.
When you reach the wooden stairs, be careful. They're supposed to be destroyed by the Overwatch Elite firing an Energy Ball when the trigger is activated, but you can avoid that by catching it using the Gravity Gun and safely climb up to the covered passage.
From there, you can either do a Damage Boost using RPG and hit the slope on the way to get to the cart or do a more direct double Damage Boost using grenade and RPG.

Simpler second Damage Boost

Continue climbing up and once you're in St. Olga's yard, go near the church's entrance, but don't enter it. Instead, you'll end up in a place surrounded by fences. Using any object, do a Gravity Jump to get over the fences.
From there, do a Damage Boost using RPG, SMG's secondary fire or grenade to reach the cart.

No Damage Boost

You can also get over the wooden fence in the end of the yard. Once you get over it, there will be a small rise followed by a trigger responsible for the Hunter-Chopper battle, but it's not necessary to fight it, so you can simply jump over the trigger and get down to the cart.


  • In the Source SDK Base, a flyby of this level can be launched as a video stress test.
  • The Combine Gunship can be found by noclipping before the Hunter-Chopper attacks.
  • The Fisherman doesn't have a physics model and, if killed, he'll either crash the game or do a reference pose.
  • The Fisherman is the first Source character whose face was made from scratch without a real-life model.
  • The Hunter-Chopper that opposes the player towards the end of the demo behaves and even sounds like the Combine Gunship; it shoots down incoming rockets and its pulse gun is much more accurate.
  • The shell launcher in the church, despite its printed warning sign stating that its moving parts can crush objects, can be disabled with any available physics object small enough to pick up and fit into it. Oddly enough, it cannot be destroyed with a grenade or any other weapon.

Known bugs

  • There are several ways to get to the other side of the coast without dying. Instead of climbing up, get down to the rocks and go along the mountain. After you reach the mountain on which the village is built, the leeches trigger has ended at that point, so you can safely swim to the other side. In New Engine you can use Sharking while also crouching to avoid taking damage from the leech trigger.
  • When you disable the shell launcher, the first Hunter-Chopper should show up and start shooting the church, causing the windows to break. You can shoot RPGs through the window and destroy the Chopper before you leave the building.

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